How is TMJ/TMD Disorder Treated?

If you have difficulty opening your mouth or using your jaw, or feel tenderness and stiffness in your jaw, Dr. Will Wagner at Will Wagner DMD in Tuscaloosa, AL can help with your TMJ/TMD treatment.

What are TMJ and TMD?

TMD stands for Temporomandibular disorders affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMD can manifest in symptoms like difficulty opening the mouth, locked jaw, or clicking or aching of the jaw. Causes for this disorder could be related to an injury, clenching or grinding your teeth, or arthritis.

TMJ refers to the joint itself, and as a condition, usually refers to an inflammation of this joint causing ear and facial pain, jaw tenderness, difficulty chewing, and clicking or locking of the jaw. TMJ can also be caused when this sliding hinge joint is out of place. When the TMJ is inflamed, it falls under the umbrella of Temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

Leaving TMJ/TMD treatment on the backburner could result in a worsening of the condition leading to surgery.

What Are Your Treatment Options?

Your dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL needs to assess the level of inflammation of the TMJ or what disorder is affecting your jaw. Through a physical exam and x-ray, your dentist can rule out other conditions like an ear infection or nerve-related problem. If necessary, they will perform a CT or MRI scan.

If your dentist determines that your TMJ is inflamed or that you have another disorder of the joint, they will suggest rest, prescribe medication to reduce swelling and inflammation, recommend ice and heat treatment, and put you on a soft food diet in order to reduce stress on the jaw. For long-term changes that can reduce the habits you’ve formed to put stress on the jaw, your dentist may suggest physical therapy or splints.

Severe and chronic pain and inflammation might result in other treatments. Surgery is often the last resort for TMDs as they are risky and may result in more severe problems.

If you want to learn more about TMJ/TMD treatment or are experiencing symptoms of an inflamed TMJ, Dr. Wagner at Will Wagner DMD in Tuscaloosa, AL can help. Call (205) 759-9588 to schedule your appointment

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